Mav is 4 months!

Maverik turned 4 months old last Wednesday!

His eyes are starting to look a bit darker. They're not brown yet but looking like they could turn eventually. He weighs somewhere between 14 and 15 lbs....we will get a true weight at the doc tomorrow. He rolled from belly to back a week and a half far he has done it three times and it has never been when we are around other family members. His hair is still falling out but it looks like he has some little stuff filling back in. He is wearing mostly 3-6 month or 6 month clothing now. We have to always go up a size in pants due to the extra fluff from his cloth diapers. He was sleeping through the night but is back at getting up once or twice a night now which isn't bad. He is however very hard to get to sleep at night...that just started last week and I am hoping it is just because his schedule was so messed up because of Christmas. We shall see. He loves trying to sit and stand up. He is getting really good at holding toys now. He loves actually seems to help get him to sleep when he is being difficult...Jake says if you hum/sing amazing grace it helps him fall asleep :) he probably will hate that i shared that but I thought it was too sweet not to note. He loves bath time. I am really hoping to get him into baby swim lessons soon. He is smiling and giggling a lot. He likes to be tickled on his ribs and neck. During most of his naps he folds his hands and it looks like he is praying...its so cute
This past month 
We celebrated thanksgiving with the family.
We went to Stroll on State
We got our first Christmas tree.
We went down to the bike path and saw the Christmas lights...which of course he slept through. 

Christmas came after he turned 4 months so I will leave that for the next post :)