13 weeks-3 month update and lessons in gratitude.

Maverik is 3 months old! 
He is wearing 3 month clothing and sometimes some 6 month pajamas...sizing of baby clothes makes very little sense.
He is smiling so much more...especially when his Dad walks in the door after work :).
He has discovered his hands and loves to suck on them all of the time now!
He loved being tickled on his ribs...especially the right side.
He loves sitting in his mamaroo and bouncy seat as long as he can see people around him.
Bath time is probably his favorite time of day...he loves to kick his feet...i'm planning on signing him up for swim classes in the next couple of  months.
He still loves ceiling fans and being carried around in his tula.
He is starting to be able to hold onto toys.
He still hates having his clothes changed and getting lotion put on after his bath.
He has slept through the night multiple times but has recently been waking up around three every morning again. 
He loves to snuggle.
He is losing a bunch of his hair...he might be a baldy soon :) we will see.

Time is flying by!

Tomorrow we will celebrate our first Thanksgiving as a family of three! 
Since it is a day that we celebrate what we are most thankful for, I wanted to share a few things that I am thankful for this year.

The months leading up to thanksgiving last year I found it a bit difficult to be genuinely thankful.
Things were not going exactly the way I had planned...and that was hard for me...I am a planner.
I like order..I am not a fan of surprises and the unknown,
Although it was a difficult season for me...by the time the end of November rolled around I felt like I had come to a realization that this season, although difficult was meant to shape me and teach me some important lessons about God and his plans for our life. 
By the end of November I felt like I was honestly okay with whatever God had planned for the future of our family...whether that be a biological child or not. 
He used that time of uncertainty leading to those two pink lines to teach me that he knows better than I and that his timing is perfect. 

* Jeremiah 29:11 - " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

He used that time to teach me to be grateful for what I was already blessed with.
-wonderful doctors and nurses 
-an amazing husband who is always by my side
-friends and family that helped us out, prayed for us, and supported us...and continue to do so.
-a God who cares so much for me. A God that used that time of uncertainty to open our hearts to a future that may include adoption...something that has held a special spot in my heart since I was a little girl...its funny how he works everything together for good...even if it doesn't seem like any good can come of a situation at the time.

* Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.

I am thankful for that season even though it wasn't the easiest.
I am thankful for the season  this past yea in which Jake and I prepared for our sweet baby boy to join our family.
I am thankful for this present season as a family of three.
I am thankful for answered prayers...and lessons learned in gratitude...

We'll give thanks to you
with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for you
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If you never send us rain
-Nichole Nordeman (Gratitude)

Happy Thanksgiving!