Nixon Joelle

To the little girl with the skinned knees and big brown eyes,
I can't believe you are going to be a big sister!
You are still so young, yet older than your brother when we had you. 
It's hard for me to remember how small he was at that time.
I love having you two so close in age. 
Its been difficult at times, but so much fun to see you grow together.
I think I still feel like you are more of a baby than he was because of the fact that you are so tiny.
 You sure don't act tiny though.
You are so full of life!
You keep me on my toes...thats for sure.
You are always trying to keep up with the boys...and you honestly do a pretty good job of it. 
They adore you. All three of them.
You love food, and love to play outside or "side" as you call it. 
You are sleeping in a big girl bed for the most part and you say a ton of just won't do it when I ask you to of course. 
You love to play with your brother and like to get him in trouble by screaming dramatically when he is getting on your nerves...sometimes I feel like doing that with certain people too...hah!
 You also love to boss your cousin Gretzky around and apparently even know how to say his name pretty dang clear if you really want to.
You love shoes!
I know that is a really random fact, but I don't want to forget it.
If we don't know where you are, you can usually be found near the back door trying on all of our shoes.
You love puppies, and just about any kind of animal.
You are pretty fearless (other than when a shirt gets "stuck" on your head).
Just like your brother, you are very social.
You love to ride around in the stroller/cart and yell Hi! at everyone.
You are so sweet...but I always have said that you lean a bit more towards the "spicy" side when it comes to personality.
You have since day 1.
I love that though...
I am so excited to see you with your little sister.
I'm hoping the transition goes smoothly...but I am not certain that it will right away.
That's okay though. We will all learn to adjust.
You will be an amazing big sister Nixon Joelle.
I am so excited to see how this next chapter unfolds.
I love you my Nixie Girl.
-Love Mama