Some days are just hard...

I have been feeling so overwhelmed the past few days. 
Most days I feel like I have a pretty good handle on life, but other days, little by little things pile up and I start to feel like I am failing at this motherhood thing. Laundry, grocery shopping, feeding the kids (who don't want to eat more than a few bites of what you just spent time cooking), cleaning up from the meal that they didn't eat, running a home daycare, making time for my husband,  trying to pursue a few of my personal interests...I could keep going but I think you probably get the point.
 It can be A LOT!
 I feel like I spend so much time doing "stuff" that isn't noticed, and in the process of all of that, I feel like I am neglecting my children. Now i know that most of the "stuff" i mentioned, is in reality me serving my family, but sometimes as I put them to bed at night I wonder where the time went. 
I worry and wonder if they will remember the times that I sat down to play, or just the times that I was running around trying to wipe up jelly before it was tracked into the living room.
I guess I hope they remember both.
I saw a quote on Pinterest recently that said "Rest easy mothers. The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one."
I probably should post that on  wall in my house somewhere. 
 I want to be remembered as the mom who took time to play and really show interest in what they were interested in, and also the mom who gave her all and loved by serving her family.
As a mom, some days your job can seem so undervalued. 
Your kids most of the time are not thanking you for wiping sticky fingers and doing the laundry.
Some days it just makes me wonder if they think I am avoiding them, or if they know that it's my job to keep the house running in a somewhat orderly fashion. 
It was my dream to be called wife and mama and I am so blessed that I have been given this opportunity.
Some days are just hard.
Satan tries to tell us that the work we do as mama's doesn't matter. 
To me, he whispers that I am a bad mom on the days that I am struggling the most.
He distracts me with lies.
 If we look to God's word, he tells us in Collossians to work willingly at whatever we do, as though we are working for the Lord and not for people. 
If I begin to look at it that way, no matter whether I have someone telling me how great I am doing or not, I can remember that God is the one that I am working for, and that in itself should be enough motivation to keep me going. 
A "good job" from the husband or an " I love you mama" at the end of the day will just be the cherry on top!