Mav is 10 months old!

Mav is pulling up on everything! 
He acts like he wants to be held...then he just uses you as his personal jungle gym.
He has two teeth and I think the top two are trying to poke through. 
He loves food! He prefers real people food now...not just little puffy snack.
He loves to swim.
He also loves to dance...especially to the vbs CD.
He says uh ohh and dada sometimes.
He isn't walking but he likes pushing his little walker around. 
He loves dogs and loves watching the garbage truck go by.
He weighs over 20 lbs now...not sure on the exact weight. 
I decided to trim his hair a bit and snipped a bit too much. It's growing back now. 
This month we found out that he is going to have a little sister!