6 weeks!

This week:
He is way more alert.
We went on lots of errands.
Mav slept a stretch of 5 hours without waking up!
We went out to eat at granite city for grandma and great aunt Joanne's birthday.
We went to the wood fire pizza shop and the mall with daddy.
He is interacting with people a lot more
He is starting to make more noises.
his sleep sack
reading his bible every morning
snuggling in the morning
going on walks
Grabbing handfuls of my hair or anything he can get a good grip on
bath time again!
Staring at lights and windows
making silly faces
his car seat...now that i say that he will probably hate it during the long car ride he has coming up
being held
being outside...he loves to be outside
hanging out in his the bouncy seat 
listening to music
Hanging out in the solly baby wrap and tula 
naps longer than 10 minutes
Getting his clothes/diaper changed.
having hiccups