Let me go back a bit...how we found out we are pregnant!

Let me go back a bit.
Since my last post about our baby journey, we completed one more round of clomid (round four) which was unsuccessful, as well as our first round of letrozole with an IUI which was...a success!!!
Although that part of  this journey was a trying time, it was also a time in my life that i felt the most thankful. Thankful for Jesus, my husband, all the friends and family that were praying for us, and the amazing team of doctors/nurses we were working with. By the end of November, I can tell you that I felt God's presence like i never have before. I found myself at a loss for words when I would begin to ask God for those two pink lines. I can honestly say that I came to a point where I was perfectly content with whatever God's plan was for my life...how we would grow our family. On December 6th I took a dollar store test, fully expecting it to be negative. I waited the three minutes...looked at it...and it was negative...or so i thought it was. I went about doing my chores and I thanked God for his goodness. I knew he would provide when the times was right. As i got ready for my first craft show later that morning, I stared at the test one last time before i throwing it away...only this time i swore i could see a faint pink line. I obsessed about it the rest of the day and later showed it to Jake...i think he thought i was crazy but he said he could see something too...barely. I forgot to mention that during our medicated cycle that month we had used a HCG trigger shot that can give you a false positive if you test too soon...so i was skeptical...i thought that if there was a line...it might be just from that. I decided that I would test one more time the next day. Sunday morning i took a second test and...it was Darker! We were so excited! Monday morning i went to my doctors office for a blood test and they confirmed our pregnancy later that day!
We told my parents a week later.

The rest of the family found out on Christmas eve and Christmas Day.
We had our first ultrasound at 6 weeks!